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LightSpace CMS Software Updates

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Author ConnecTED
#31 | Posted: 1 Aug 2017 22:37 
LightSpace CMS (01 August 2017) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

This is a quick fix the main issues with the new 'Patch Scale' function earlier build introduced.

All is not yet fully correct, but the outstanding issues will not cause users problems.

A complete fix will follow the next days.

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#32 | Posted: 2 Aug 2017 19:49 
LightSpace CMS (02 August 2017) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

This release is including the complete fix/changes of the new 'Patch Scale' function.

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#33 | Posted: 15 Aug 2017 22:25 
LightSpace CMS (14 August 2017) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

-- Added correct Icon for Uninstaller.
-- Increased i1D3 Integration Time to max 6 seconds.
-- Changed functionality for 'Stimulus Level' filter in CIE charts.
-- Added 'Clip' graph, to be used in conjunction with the Gamma graphs.
(What the graph shows is the 'rate of change' for each grey scale point, which in turn means showing when the tangent of a point has deviated from the expected value. It should be viewed in conjunction with the Gamma and DifGamma graphs.)
-- Added 'Drift' graph accessible via 'Manage Colour Spaces/Display'
(The Drift tab shows just the 'Drift' patches held within a profile, enabling display/probe drift over time to be assessed.)

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#34 | Posted: 24 Aug 2017 09:06 
LightSpace CMS (23 August 2017) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

-- Changed functionality for 'Stimulus Level' filter in CIE charts and changed to 'Luma Levels'.
-- New 'Map Space' LUT generation option.
-- Improved Fit Space (was Fit Chroma) LUT generation option.

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#35 | Posted: 11 Sep 2017 19:41 
LightSpace CMS (07 September 2017) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

-- Changed functionality for 'Stimulus Level' filter in CIE charts and changed to 'Luma Levels'.
-- Additions to 'Custom Filters', with pre-population of selected standard filters
-- Save and persist selected Patch Size in Network Manager
-- Added Convert Colour Space 'Colour Space' and 'Camera' features to LUTs+ license
-- Changed i1D3 sync mode info
-- Added re-start after initial licensing to guarantee license enabled
-- Fixed LUT generation issue with Map/Fit Space and Hybrid profiles
-- Fixed hang with Map/Fit Space with profiles with non-monotonic data

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

For X-Rite i1Display PRO users, the new names of Sync Modes are explained here or: https://www.lightillusion.com/i1_display_pro.html

Author ConnecTED
#36 | Posted: 25 Sep 2017 17:17 
LightSpace CMS (22 September 2017) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

-- Added 'Intelligent Integration' for i1D3 probe.
-- Fixed BT1886 operation with Fit/Map Space.

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#37 | Posted: 10 Feb 2018 20:45 
LightSpace CMS (10 February 2018) has been released, its the biggest even change to LightSpace CMS!

Light Illusion is delighted to announce a totally new development of the LightSpace CMS advanced Colour Engine, which is at the heart of the unparalleled calibration accuracy of LightSpace CMS.

In excess of 11 man-months of development work has gone into a total rewrite and enhancement of the advanced algorithms and mathematics that are at the core of the LightSpace Colour Engine, with visible and measurable improvements in all final calibration results.

Although the existing 2nd Generation Colour Engine has already proven to be more accurate, as well as faster, than any alternative calibration system, nothing is ever perfect, and we knew we could do better. And the new Gen3 Colour Engine does just that, enhancing every aspect of LightSpace based calibration.

Extensive Beta Testing has shown significant benefit across the board, with improved grey-scale tracking, better control of blacks & shadows, greater accuracy for skin tones and other memory colours, with greatly reduced Delta-E values overall.

The following graphs show the existing Gen2 Colour Engine vs. the new Gen3. The improved calibration is easy to see, with less random/noisy CIE plots, and greatly improved dE distribution.

Note: This is an OLED display calibrated with an i1D3 probe. For clarity those point below the probe's minimum brightness threshold have been removed from the CIE plots, but are included in the dE Distribution graphs.

With the Gen3 Colour Engine the total volumetric accuracy of any calibration has been greatly improved!

Release Notes

New 3rd Gen. Colour Engine greatly increasing calibration accuracy.

Added initial support for Eizo Prominence CG3145.

Edit Profile Points in pop-up window.

Add new graphs to PDF reports.

Added Super White option for VideoScale.

Improved probe switching and connecting operation.

Added a catch for patch read value with zero Z or negative value (XYZ).

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

All new features and developments are provided free to existing customers, continuing Light Illusion's approach of no additional costs or yearly support fees for all its software systems.

Author Steve

#38 | Posted: 17 Feb 2018 03:16 
Full Release Note Changes:

LightSpace CMS – 9.0.0 changes

-- New 3rd Gen. Colour Engine greatly increasing calibration accuracy
-- Added initial support for Eizo Prominence CG3145
-- Fixed issue with some Eizo displays internal TPG not connecting to LightSpace
-- Added workaround for Eizo SDK issue with newer models (e.g. CG247X)
-- Edit Profile Points in pop-up window
-- Sort Profile Points in logical order in pop-up window
-- Correct use of 'Active LUT' with some internal LightSpace options
-- Added Lilliput LUT Formats
-- Corrected NEC Gen1 chassis connection issue
-- Updated Konvision Upload menu options
-- Add new graphs to PDF reports
-- Replace Discus DLL with new version
-- Added Super White option for VideoScale
-- Corrected possible issue with Min/Max reporting via Luma Thermometer
-- Add fix for Accupel bug (since fixed by Accupel too)
-- Updated Jeti DLL
-- Improved probe switching and connecting operation
-- Fixed potential crash with CR probes
-- Added a catch for patch read value with zero Z or negative value (XYZ)
(Due to invalid probe readings)
-- Change to Licensing to reduce lockout due to OS updates
(Will require a license re-set by Light Illusion, so plan that into any update schedule!)

Note the Last change, and plan any update accordingly.
It can take 24 to 48 hours for any license re-set.
(See: https://www.lightillusion.com/upgrades_licenses.html for informaton on requesting a license re-set.)
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author Steve

#39 | Posted: 17 Feb 2018 03:18 – incremental changes

-- Fixed PDF report graph/data selection inaccuracies
-- Increased PDF Report Min Luma value to 4 decimal places
-- Added support for IS-miniX
Steve Shaw
Mob Boss at Light Illusion

Author ConnecTED
#40 | Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:43 
LightSpace CMS (19 February 2018) incremental update has been released.

Release Notes

-- Corrected Patch Scale function when used with display profile.

Download Link

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#41 | Posted: 19 Mar 2018 12:35 
LightSpace CMS (13 March 2018), an incremental version, has been released.

Release Notes:

Added ICtCp dE reporting for HDR and SDR.

Fixed Patch Scaling error for Network Manager BG colours.

Adjusted PDF Report dE reporting for very low values.

Updated IS-mini SDK to fix WOWOW bug.

Added initial concept of 'Sub Colour Space' for Quick Profile verification.

Adjusted Eizo 'Standard' LUT calibration to prevent banding
has been released.

Download Link: http://lightillusion.com/downloads.html

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

Author ConnecTED
#42 | Posted: 28 Mar 2018 10:20 
LightSpace Beta with Patch Stabilisation Insertion feature.

To fight drifting, the LightSpace had 2 features which are working very good; Drift Compensation and Anisometric patch sequence which both of them helps to final 3D LUT correction generation for better final results.

Using Drift Compensation feature enabled with 30 value for example, LightSpace it takes a one White measurement per 30 patches and at the end it's including to the correction 3D LUT any display 'drifting over the time' issues, we have seen that OLED's/Plasma's are not stable displays during the required measuring time and this features helps a lot to the final 3D LUT generation.

Anisometric patch sequence is helping a lot also and it's better suited to displays that have any form of ABL, such as Plasmas and many OLEDs, where Sequential patch ordering can cause display overheating (overheating can actually be an issue on any display that has high peak luminance outputs, as it can cause the display to drift. Anisometric patch sequence is using an algorithm to display the patches with one dark/one bright patch order in simple words.

We have seen with Plasmas that luminance drop because when the panel or electronics increase their temperature (or PSU overload), the display has sensors to panel and electronics area to monitor these changes, so to protect the panel/electronics, it's reducing the output to protect and prevent any damage.

With OLED's there strange shiftings and weird luminance changes from thermal changes to the pixels of the pattern area so to help the panel cool down there is added a Patch Stabilisation Insertion feature.

The Stabilisation feature you can find it to the 'Options' menu.

LightSpace Stabilisation

The main idea is to add black frames displayed for x.xx sec. time between each other colorpatch (for example 200ms of black patch) but there capability to select any color (any RGB triplet) and decide exact the time you want for these patches to be displayed in milliseconds. After testing we will find out which patch insertion is better, a black frame or a dark gray one...or which timing provides better results etc.

These 'Stabilisation' patches are presently only with 'profiling'; but to the official release there will be available to 'Manual Measure', for LightSpace DPS (free license level) users to be able to use them also.

For a download link of this Beta. please send me msg here only: http://www.displaycalibrations.com/contact_us.html

Author ConnecTED
#43 | Posted: 29 Mar 2018 11:21 
There available newer beta which adds 'Stabilization' to Manual Measure, something which LightSpace DPS (free licence levels) users can use.

There added details about the Stabilisation to the LightSpace on-line manual also: https://www.lightillusion.com/profiling_manual.html

And a post on the underlying issues: https://www.lightillusion.com/forums/index.php?action=vthread&forum=8&topic=485

Author ConnecTED
#44 | Posted: 25 Apr 2018 08:42 
LightSpace CMS (24 April 2018) has been released.

As is usual for Light Illusion's continued development process for LightSpace CMS a raft of new developments have been released.

Release Notes

Added 'Stabilisation' option for displays with ABL/Heat type issues.

Continuation of Sub Colour Space developments.

Changed Accupel 5000 integration allow faster patch generation.

Fixed potential COMs issue with hardware TPGs after using the 'Options' menu.

Added integration for Minolta CA-410 probe.

Added pop-up window to see additional dE information without exporting pdf report.

Finalized BenQ 3D LUT integration.

Download Link: https://www.lightillusion.com/downloads.html

Note: All LightSpace related guides which are available online has been updated to reflect changes the latest released version of LightSpace introduced.

All new features and developments are provided free to existing customers, continuing Light Illusion's approach of no additional costs or yearly support fees for all its software systems.

Author ConnecTED
#45 | Posted: 27 May 2018 09:19 
LightSpace Beta with New Anisometric Patch Sequence

The way the current Anisometric patch sequence works causes a sub-harmonic frequency thermal drift in the WRGB OLED displays. The new Beta Anisometric set is defined to maintain a better overall patch power level, and helps remove the saw-tooth thermal instability response.

A Piccy

(Note: The Sequential patch sequence is designed to have a 'sawtooth' average power.)

A Piccy

Additionally, the color temp of the WOLED display changes over the duration of the profile (usually starting warm ...and ends cool.)... the New Anisometric set can improve the 'Colour Temp stability' as it has variable color temp across patch pairs.

The fact that the WRGB OLED's need different patch sequences to manage Thermal Instability during profiling shows that the displays suffer very badly from thermal instability, which will still be occurring during normal operation!

A 'good' display, that doesn't have such thermal issues, would show the same results regardless of the patch set used.

A Piccy

The new set is the best configuration you can get, as it is pure equal power, but may need to add Stabilisation patches, from the data we have, Black frame (0) or 10% Gray (26) for Stabilization of 350ms seems to improve the stability.

The results we have seen so far do suggest this is optimum for all displays with WRGB OLED screens, but different manufacturers/models may get slightly better results from other User Defined sequences, using the CSV patch set option.

For a download link of this Beta. please send me msg here only: http://www.displaycalibrations.com/contact_us.html

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 LightSpace CMS Software Updates

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